General Theological Seminary

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A New Call for Heather Sisk ’10, ’20

The Rev. Heather K. Sisk, MDIV Class of 2020, and MA in Spiritual Direction (2010) has been called as Priest in Charge of St. Paul's Episcopal Church in Pleasant Valley, New York. Sisk previously served for two and a half years at All Saints Church on the UES of Manhattan as a wisdom year student and then pastoral fellow assisting the rector. She facilitated spiritual direction and retreats for the Episcopal Church for more than a decade.

Prior to the priesthood, Sisk worked at the intersection of ecology, education and the arts through her background in cultural and environmental museums and non for profit educational organizations. She was also board certified in Anaplastology creating facial prosthetics; a career which fused pastoral care and the medical arts. She continues to sculpt and seeks creative ways to affirm and celebrate God's green earth, its inhabitants, and beloved humanity. Sisk is currently a member of the Episcopal Diocese of New York's Antiracism Committee. 

While at General in 2010 she received an Episcopal Evangelism Society Grant to develop her Masters Thesis on Mary Magdalene into a retreat with accompanying "3-D Icons." The retreat explores aspects of the Magdalene's witness as a paradigm for the spiritual journey. The retreat has traveled from NY to MA and FL (and on-line). Sisk had the great opportunity to participate as a volunteer delegate to the UNCSW (2006-2010) through the Anglican Observer's office to the United Nations. Upon completing the M.Div In 2020 she received the seminary's graduating preaching excellence award.

Sisk is married to photographer Craig Gordon., Retreats & Spiritual Direction, Art