General Theological Seminary

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Bishop Frank T. Griswold, III

I really like Bishop Frank T. Griswold, III. He had a lovely sense of humor. His counsel was deeply thoughtful. His instincts were sound. He loved the desert fathers; he was committed to ecumenism; he had good advice around the liturgy (he took me though my manual acts that I still use at the Eucharist); and he was deeply committed to theological education.

I learned on Sunday that he died at the age of 85. He was teaching, preaching, and writing right up until the last moment. He held significant positions in the Church: Bishop of the Diocese of Chicago; the 25th Presiding Bishop; and yes visiting professor at Virginia Theological Seminary.

Bishop Griswold presided at the ordination and consecration of Bishop Gene Robinson in 2003. He remained in conversation with Archbishop Rowan Williams and tried to walk that fragile line of commitment to the Communion and simultaneously witnessing to the importance of inclusion.

We remember on this day, Bishop Griswold. We think of his wife Phoebe and his children and grandchildren who mourn. On a personal level, I will miss Bishop Griswold. As an alumnus of General Theological Seminary and as a friend of Virginia Theological Seminary, we have lost an important advocate for our work this day.

The Very Rev. Ian S. Markham, Ph.D.
Dean and President of Virginia Theological Seminary and President of The General Theological Seminary