General Theological Seminary

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Working on the Grounds

Our director of facilities, Mr. Harry Soto, has already had an impact. This is the perfect time to aerate the grass and put new grass seed down. He made sure that there was plenty of caution tape up so that we discourage the casual walker who wants to crush the seed before it has had a chance to take root.

 Improving the campus is a priority. It is also complicated. In a recent Staff “all hands”, there was a long list of priorities for repair on the campus. Naturally a long list of priorities is really tricky: we cannot to do every priority. But Harry is slowly working through the list.

 The goal is a stunning campus. And as the sun starts to shine and buds appear, there is a beauty in the place that is amazing.

The Very Rev. Ian S. Markham, Ph.D.
Dean and President of Virginia Theological Seminary and President of The General Theological Seminary