General Theological Seminary

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The General Theological Seminary Celebrates its 201st Commencement

GTS conferred degrees and diplomas on eight students at the ceremony.

The General Theological Seminary (GTS) has held its 201st Commencement, conferring degrees and diplomas on eight students across the Seminary’s Master of Divinity, Master of Arts, Doctor of Ministry, and Diploma in Anglican Studies programs.

The Seminary also conferred a Doctor of Divinity degree, honoris causa, on The Rt. Rev. Shannon Rogers Duckworth ’01, Bishop of the Diocese of Louisiana, in recognition of her service and distinction within the Church.

This year’s Commencement marked two significant milestones: the graduation of the first student from GTS’ new hybrid Master of Divinity program, and the first students to earn a Doctor of Ministry from the Seminary.

The Very Rev. Ian S. Markham, Ph.D., President of GTS, said: “The General Theological Seminary honors those whom God has prepared through study to serve the Church in new and fresh ways. It is a moment when we pause, give thanks for what God is doing in the Church, and pray for God's blessing on the ministries of those we honor. Commencement in 2024 coincides with Pentecost, and we pray that the graduates from The General Theological Seminary will continue to contribute to God's mission in the world.”

The Commencement 2024 celebrations started on May 19 with the traditional Baccalaureate Evensong and blessing of the class rings and crosses, followed by a reception and dinner in Hoffman Hall. The 202nd Commencement ceremony took place on May 20, in the Chapel of the Good Shepherd.

Prizes and Awards:

The J. Wilson Sutton Prize for outstanding theses

Todd Elliot Foster and Arlene F. Markowski

The George Cabot Ward Prize for the public reading of the Bible

Julia A. Madden

The Martyrs of Memphis Award for Outstanding Service

Joo Young Hong

The Bishop of Newark Preaching Prize

Ian Carleton Burch

The Seymour Prize for extemporaneous preaching

Kathryn Brossa

Notes to editors:

For media enquiries, please contact Nicky Burridge, Vice President for Communications at GTS. Tel: (703) 461-1782 Mobile: (703) 300-2876 Email:

Photo caption: Faculty, graduates and students at The General Theological Seminary.

About The General Theological Seminary**: **

The General Theological Seminary of The Episcopal Church was founded in 1817. It is the oldest seminary of The Episcopal Church and has educated and formed leaders for the church in a changing world for more than 200 years. The seminary was chartered by an act of The Episcopal Church’s General Convention and its name was chosen to reflect its founders’ vision that it be a seminary to serve the whole church.