Abuzz with Joy in Jan-Term
Last week, we welcomed the Inaugural Cohort of General Seminary’s new Hybrid MDiv program, along with colleagues from the Episcopal Preaching Foundation, for our January-Term preaching intensive.
We were delighted to be joined in the Chapel of the Good Shepherd by two of our GTS Alums (the Rev. Michael Bird ‘97 and the Rev. Susan Ironside ‘10) who served on the EPF faculty and also accepted our invitation to preach and celebrate during the week.
In her Sermon, on the feast day of Florence Li Tim-Oi, Mo. Ironside remarked on the importance of the Mo. Florence Icon to her graduating class, which commissioned and donated the Icon to the Seminary as their Graduation Gift. The Icon, located on the chancel steps on the wall opposite the icons of Alexander Crummell and Pauli Murray, is a powerful symbol of God’s inclusive call to ministry and service.
While the EPF press release conveys what was widely considered by students and faculty alike to be a week of engaging instruction and transformative preaching-practice, what words alone can hardly convey was the joy-filled Spirit that saturated the Close!
Shouts of glee could be heard from Dodge Hall as members of MDiv Cohort 1 were reunited for their second intensive, after having spent a full semester learning together in the hybrid classroom. The sacristy was abuzz with activity and laughter as students eagerly jumped in to lead and serve in one of our 14 planned services throughout the week.
In the evenings, students were encouraged to enjoy their time in the City, with groups heading out to visit local galleries, attend the opera at Lincoln Center, or enjoy meals at one of the dozens of amazing restaurants in the neighborhood.
We miss them already, and we look forward to seeing them back in May.
If you or someone you know is interested in taking part in the Hybrid MDiv program, please attend one of our upcoming Zoom Open Houses on February 15 at 6:00pm (Eastern) or March 12th at 6:00pm (Eastern)
Each cohort is capped at 15 tuition-free spots. The program is only open to those pursuing ordination in the Episcopal Church or with a full communion partner. A letter of endorsement from the student’s bishop or judicatory is required. The deadline for funded positions is March 31st. You can start an application here!