& nurturing our community in worship and scholarship


General Convention Reception

Virginia Theological Seminary and The General Theological Seminary are hosting a joint reception and dinner at the Mellwood Art Center during General Convention. Please join us at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, June 25 for a memorable evening with alumni and friends from both seminaries!

Tickets are $50 per person. Please sign up by Monday June 17 using the button below.

Alumni Gathering 2023

Tues., Oct. 24 & Weds., Oct. 25, 2023

Celebrating the 135th Anniversary of the Consecration of the Memorial Chapel of the Good Shepherd and your Distinguished Alumni Award Recipients 2023

The Rev. Dr. Ellen Barrett
(Sr. Helena, OSB), Class of 1975

The Rev. Canon Milton Cole-Duvall, Class of 1982


Tuesday, October 24

  • 3:30pm The Rev. James Farwell, Ph.D. (’89), H. Boone Porter Professor of Liturgics, delivers the 2023 Paddock Lectures: “The One and the Many: Meditations on the Eucharistic Fraction.”

  • 5:30 pm Festival Choral Evensong commemorating the 135th Anniversary of the Consecration of the Memorial Chapel of the Good Shepherd

  • Reception and dinner in the Hoffman Refectory

Wednesday, October 25

  • 9:00am with Continental Breakfast

  • 10:30am followed by the Memorial Eucharist with presentation of the Distinguished Alumni Awards

  • Reception lunch

  • 1:30pm Alumni Association Annual Meeting (use this link to register for virtual attendance)

  • 3:30pm second Paddock Lecture by the Rev. James Farwell, Ph.D. (’89)

REGISTRATION FEE $100.00 to cover all meals

Further details and registration will be announced during soon

Contact for further information

all events will be live-streamed via the General Seminary Youtube page

1971-2021 A Commemoration of 50 Years of Women at General

Watch the recording from the Alumni Memorial Eucharist May 17, 2022 and the consecration of our new icon to distinguished alum Pauli Murray '76

browse the photo gallery from the Alumni Gathering and Commencement May, 2022

The Conclusion of our year long commemoration of 50 Years of Women at General!

browse the photo gallery from matriculation homecoming Fall 2021

The Kick-off of our year long commemoration of 50 Years of Women at General!