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Seeking a call or considering transition?
Browse job postings for graduates and alumni of The General Theological Seminary within The Episcopal Church and other Christian Jobs.
Job Postings for Graduating Seminarians and Alumni
Browse the list of posts that have been submitted directly to our office.
You can also browse postings available through the Transition Ministry Conference, Episcopal Digital Network, and non-denominational postings at Just Church Jobs, Church Staffing, and Christian Jobs.
If you are a member of our alumni community considering a transition, please contact us directly.
We often hear from Rectors or Search Officers with job opportunities they prefer not to post.
Considering Transition
If you would like to have a ministry job opening posted internally for our graduating class and/or alumni, lay or ordained, please email a job description (Word or PDF) to deployment@gts.edu. Please also let us know the timeline for your discernment process, and if you would be interested in visiting General to conduct interviews, or if you would prefer to be contacted directly by seminarians. Job descriptions will remain on the website for 6 months from the date of receipt and then will be removed. Please email deployment@gts.edu if the position fills before the time has ended so that we can remove the job description, or if you wish for the job description to remain for an additional period of time.