When AIDS was first identified in New York in 1982, communities of faith were required to face their own sense of belonging and mission. In honor of these 40 years of awareness and activism, General Theological Seminary’s Center for Queer Theology is curating Queer Advent | Anticipating Joy, a four-week worship series centering LGBTQ+ life and celebration this holiday season.

Conceived by The Rev. Dr.  Eric Thomas, Creative Director, and The Rev. Dr. Carla Roland Guzmán, Executive Producer, under the musical direction of Buck McDaniel, General Seminary alumni, sacristans, and staff have come together for these special evensongs, presenting radical interpolations of General’s rich tradition of chorale worship within the context of LGBTQ+ identity and joy in liturgy in the heart of Chelsea, Manhattan.

All are welcome to join these evenings of remembrance and rejoicing.

Commemorating World AIDS Day

Commemorating World AIDS Day

AIDS emerged in the heart of New York, challenging our ideas of ministry, acceptance, and care. This evening is dedicated to our siblings lost and those whose lives were changed forever as they served and carried this city through years of heartbreak and healing.

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  • "The act of anticipating joy is a reclamation of wonder and promise. Queer Advent is an invitation for the City to anticipate of the coming Savior who will be and is God-with-us — a promise denied to many LGBTQIA+ persons, especialy the generation lost to the AIDS epidemic. Queer Advent begins with remembering and culminates with radical rejoicing — as the glory of the LORD is revealed, and all flesh shall see it together."

    The Rev. Dr. Eric A. Thomas

  • “The Episcopal Church’s rich history of activism in New York City on behalf of LGBTQ+ liberation and healing deserves to be celebrated, while acknowledging that our view of spiritual participation in worship requires thoughtful reflection and critique. I’m grateful for the leadership of Professors Thomas and Roland Guzman for bringing General together for these evenings of honest reflection and radical celebration."

    The Very Rev. Michael W. DeLashmutt, PhD