A Commentary for Both Seminaries

I am going to try to write a commentary for this year that can apply to both institutions that are part of this affiliation. Virginia Theological Seminary and General Theological Seminary are in an affiliation. So, each day, I will attempt to post the same message on both websites.

How exactly I structure this combined message is something I am still thinking about. However, for today, it is easy. I am at the Council of Deans - the annual gathering of all the Deans of the Episcopal Seminaries. I do so as a representative of this affiliation. As the Senior Vice President of the General Theological Seminary, I have asked the Rev. Dr. Michael DeLashmutt to join me. So together, we will share the nature of the affiliation with the other seminaries.

We are striving to model cooperation rather than competition. We are striving to ensure that both Washington DC (for now I will stress that Alexandria is inside the beltway) and New York have thriving places of formation. This is our work that our affiliation is seeking to progress.

The Very Rev. Ian S. Markham, Ph.D.
Dean and President of Virginia Theological Seminary and President of General Theological Seminary




Happy New Year