Board Committees navigate the New World

Today two Board committees are meeting. The Buildings and Grounds Committee meets in the morning; the Investment Committee meeting of VTS meets in the afternoon. Yesterday, the Institutional Advancement Committee met. Last week, it was the Finance Committee and the Investment Committee of GTS.

During the pandemic, we moved all Board meetings on to zoom. It is a practice we have continued. It works well. Attendance is higher; it is easy to share documents; and, with the relatively small number of participants, it is much easier than the pre-pandemic practice of some on the phone and some in the room.

I am grateful to all those both at GTS and VTS who are supporting committees, as they prepare agendas and take minutes. Conversations are sometimes technical and complicated. I am grateful for all their hard work and careful attention.

The Very Rev. Ian S. Markham, Ph.D.
Dean and President of Virginia Theological Seminary and President of General Theological Seminary


Guests visiting two Seminaries


Evenings with the President