Build your own library

I visited Ms. Kathy Graham in the library yesterday. One important contribution of the affiliation is that Virginia Theological Seminary is providing a librarian to support the residential students who are finishing their degree. Kathy is living on the campus. She is enjoying getting to know the students and faculty. I am grateful that she is doing this.

Part of her work is to start weeding the collection. One of the easiest tasks is to eliminate multiple copies. As it happens there are many multiple copies. These are now on book carts and they are available for free to any faculty member, staff member, or student at General Theological Seminary. I browsed the available copies. There are some “must have” classics - from Bellah’s famous Habits of the Heart to F. L. Cross’s indispensable The Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church.

So, for those who are faculty, staff, or students, do pay Kathy a visit. Say a thank you. And then browse the cart. Start building your own theological library.

The Very Rev. Ian S. Markham, Ph.D.
President of The General Theological Seminary


In Praise of the Seniors at GTS


Introduction to Ms. Crystal Diaz