Celebrating Dr. Anderson

Dr. Elizabeth Anderson better known as Liza, joined the Faculty of GTS in the summer of 2022. She rapidly became a mainstay of the practice of daily worship at the Chapel of the Good Shepherd. You can always find her saying the office at 8.30am and 5pm. Almost always while she is there, students will ask her questions about selections in the lectionary, about the significance of the images that come up in a prayer or in a reading. And to each question, Liza’s deep wisdom and enthusiasm overflow as she explains what is going on in this or that text.

Her credentials are impressive; she holds degrees from Swarthmore College, Trinity College, Dublin, Harvard Divinity School, and Yale University. At GTS she has taught classes on the Desert Fathers and Mothers and Early and Medieval Church History. Students have appreciated her intellect and pastoral interest in their formation.

She has a significant profile in the national church, having served on Executive Council and continues to serve on the Standing Commission on Liturgy and Music. She has significant work to do for the Church and we wish her all the best.

The Very Rev. Ian S. Markham, Ph.D.
Dean and President of Virginia Theological Seminary and the President of The General Theological Seminary


Celebrating Dr. Mohrmann


Celebrating Dr. Snyder