Grateful to the Rev. Dr. Robert Flanagan

The Rev. Dr. Robert Flanagan has been serving as Chaplain to the GTS students over the last year. When he agreed to take this role, he did not know how complicated the role would prove to be. But he has dutifully made himself available - on line and in person (when able) - to the students on this program.

The vast majority of seminaries no longer have chaplains. Most seminaries have an array of support networks for students - from counselling services to spiritual directors. However, as this new Hybrid Program develops, GTS has needed a person whose primary role is to offer a pastoral perspective. As I speak to the students, there is a deep gratitude for his presence in the system.

Part of our strategic plan for GTS will be to think through the appropriate support systems for hybrid students. We will be seeking Bob’s counsel, given the pivotal role he has played. Meanwhile, for today, we simply celebrate his work in this place. I am grateful.

The Very Rev. Ian S. Markham, Ph.D.
Dean and President of Virginia Theological Seminary and President of The General Theological Seminary


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