General Theological Seminary

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love the worship at good shepherd new york

On Sunday, I attended the 9.30am service in the Chapel of the Good Shepherd. This partner congregation, led by Michael Rudzena (Pastor) and David Gungor (associate Pastor), has been providing imaginative, thoughtful worship every Sunday in the Chapel. As with Virginia Theological Seminary, making sure that the Chapel is used on Sundays is important; we want the space to be used for worship. And it is lovely to see New Yorkers gather in this extraordinary chapel.

The Episcopal Church can learn from our ecumenical friends and partners. Good Shepherd New York is an ecumenical, interdenominational church that follows closely the ordo of the Book of Common Prayer. The music and preaching are excellent. It is seeker friendly; they make imaginative use of projection.

All Christians are in the business of serving God and advancing the reign of God. It is wonderful to see the liturgy of the Episcopal Church being used in the worship of a sister Christian tradition; and it is good if we as future leaders of the Episcopal Church can sit, listen, and learn from Good Shepherd New York. We are grateful for the congregation’s presence in our midst. We are also grateful that we can both worship and learn from their imaginative and important work.

The Very Rev. Ian S. Markham, Ph.D.
Dean and President of Virginia Theological Seminary and President of The General Theological Seminary