General Theological Seminary

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loving morning prayer

In terms of attendance, Morning Prayer is easier for me than Evening Prayer. And I love the simplicity of the act of gathering in the Baptistry of the Chapel of Good Shepherd for Morning Prayer. Typically, the numbers are small - anywhere from three to five people. Someone offers to lead the office; there is some discussion about exactly where we are in Romans or Jeremiah and someone then offers to do the reading. The service is said. We remain seated throughout. And typically it is all over in twenty minutes or so.

In terms of formation, this is an important reminder. The office can be said anywhere, anytime. It does not require a rehearsal before the service: it need not be elaborate. People can simply gather and praise God and offer their concerns to God. This is something any person could do for the rest of their lives.

To the faithful who gather, thank you. And to those who have not yet gathered, we would love to see you there.

The Very Rev. Ian S. Markham, Ph.D.
The Dean and President of Virginia Theological Seminary and The President of General Theological Seminary