Telling the Story of a Seminary

This weekend the Rev. Dr. Barney Hawkins and I are visiting The Church of the Holy Spirit in Lake Forest, near Chicago. On behalf of Virginia Theological Seminary, we will have a Marking the Moment occasion. This is our way of connecting with alums and enabling parishes around the country to be part of our Historic Bicentenary. The program is very simple: a celebration of the campaign, which exceeded $62 million, a tour of the campus in video (with of course an invitation to visit), a brief overview of the current state of play, especially in respect to the affiliation with GTS and our work around reparations, culminating in a liturgy. 

I am starting to think about the best way of telling the GTS story. It is an amazing story: this is the Seminary that brought Santa Claus to the world; this is the Seminary that produced generations of remarkable alums; this is the Seminary that has an incredible chapel; and this is the Seminary that has a fabulous Hybrid MDiv.

Do think with me as to the best way to tell the story of GTS.

The Very Rev. Ian S. Markham Ph.D.
Dean and President of Virginia Theological Seminary and President of The General Theological Seminary


Women’s Hygiene Drive


Introduction to Ms. Amy Reutten