Welcome to the Residence

It is wonderful to welcome to General Theological Seminary the students who are on the hybrid MDiv. We are delighted that you are in the amazing city of New York. Thank you for coming.

We live in a season where you have many options in theological education. In Alexandria, VA., we have the traditional three year MDiv, a two year MA, and a one year diploma. At Chelsea, you have the chance to do the MDiv on line, with the extraordinary opportunity to spend three weeks a year in the most incredible city in the world. 

The team at GTS are working hard. Three chapel services a day. Lots of opportunity for fellowship over a meal. I am delighted that this is happening and grateful for all those making it possible.

The Very Rev. Ian S. Markham, Ph.D.
Dean and President of Virginia Theological Seminary and President of General Theological Seminary


Marking the Moment


Sharing our whole selves