Tim Cheux ’22: Speaking up for the Alpha Course
Currently placed at Good Samaritan Church Lake Wylie, SC, Tim is an Englishmen new to the South Carolina Conference and Rockhill District area. Tim completed his Master of Divinity with a certificate in Spiritual Direction at General and is a former Tennis Coach, Outreach Pastor, Teacher, School Chaplain and Youth Worker. He has a Bachelor of Arts degree in Marketing from the University of Bournemouth and a Master of Arts in Education from the University of Bedfordshire, UK.
He is the founder of Faith and Fitness, now called Free & Fit International, where he has created curriculum, prayer streams and sports network across London. He has been the youth leader, teacher and school chaplain at St. Mark’s Federation and St. Mark’s Kennington, Church of England where he trained, delivered and facilitated alpha (an experience introducing people to Christianity) and 24-7 prayer courses and led and assisted sports teams at under 13 and under 18 level in football, cricket, volleyball, basketball, and others. Tim has immense passion for the Christian faith and for all types of sports. He’s always looking for opportunities to introduce people to both.
When I was twenty-seven years old and searching for a way to understand the gifts of the Holy Spirit, I was introduced to something called the “Alpha course” from Holy Trinity Brompton in the UK. At the time I was worshipping at All Souls Church in central London which had amazing teaching and Biblical Preaching from well renowned preachers previously including rector John Stott and more recently evangelist Rico Tice.
I went to attend a midweek Church gathering where I was commuting from after coaching soccer in central London and I had to carry an enormous kit bag with me which contained my whole team’s equipment. I was exhausted after a long full day of teaching, sports coaching, and soccer league planning. By the time I arrived at the Church I was hungry, sleepy, and thirsty. Much like many of those across our world I was poor in spirit and seeking the Kingdom of Heaven.
We were greeted with a commonly themed well-known hymn like Amazing Grace, Be Though my Vision or How Great is thy Faithfulness in a dimly lit sanctuary with free food, fellowship and some much-needed free refills of tea and coffee. Back then I was a tea drinker. Since my New York days, I have become a well caffeinated preacher. Dunkin Donuts is a familiar friend. The atmosphere, conversation and people were friendly, young and all a similar age to me at 27. I was glad at 27 that I found Alpha as it has been much publicized this is the most common age denominator of a person attending Alpha which has now been completed by over 30 million people globally. It is certainly not by accident that the likes of Kurt Koban, Amy Winehouse, Jimi Hendrix, Jim Morrison, and many others who represent the Rock n Roll world of the 27 Club. I was so grateful I had entered the Alpha club, not the 27 club!
When it came time to the Alpha weekend I was intimidated, confused and lonely. I had not attended many other Church related events at HTB and upon arrival at the weekend was greeted with the news I would be sharing in a small chalet apartment with an unfamiliar friend. However, my stay was soon changed when a member of our team had upgraded my stay and I was instead spending time in a nearby Hotel and staying in the accommodation which had been originally intended for one of the weekend’s guest speakers. It reminded me of the parable of Hospitality in the Bible where the Banquet had been intended for the rich and famous, but it was those, like me, who were poor in Spirit and seeking something more in community, fellowship, and the presence of the Holy Spirit.
After I checked in, I was greeted with an invitation to the Wedding reception downstairs in the Hotel for food, community and conversation with the Bride and Groom who were also staying in the Hotel. My room backed onto acres of fields nearby and I could go on morning runs and swims in the sea. I had been given a Hall Pass, a ticket to the party and a gateway to Heaven. It was a divine intervention for someone seeking the Holy Spirit.
On the weekend it was like the small group opportunities, with food, fellowship, and a Saturday night worship session. Now famous Oscar winner Charlie Mackesy was speaking, Tim Hughes was leading Worship and Nicky Gumble was preaching. My experience was what we refer to in the US as being “Next Level.” God had a plan, a purpose, and an encounter for me to learn about the Holy Spirit.
My Alpha leaders were the amazing Alex and Emma Watson who still lead small groups at Alpha faithfully, teams at HTB, and now an elementary school in central London. The time of ministering the Holy Spirit came and Alex and Emma prayed for me to receive the Holy Spirit. What they didn't realize was that it would be four years later December 14 at 3am on the Eve of me departing my faithful country in the UK to travel with my now bride to the beautiful country of the United States of America. That day Emma and Alex prayed for me to receive the gift of praying in tongues, it was only on the Eve of me departing my home country of thirty-four years with my now newlywed bride and American sweetheart that I would be on my knees seeking the Kingdom of Heaven in a transition that would ultimately change my life forever.
Since that day I have completed over twenty-five Alpha courses, ministered to over 3,000 people in the US, worked in fifteen denominations and been impacted by Alpha every time we have offered it whether to students, youth, entrepreneurs, in mates, retirees or just those, like me, seeking the Kingdom of Heaven.