General Theological Seminary

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Spotlights from the field: Students

In the close-knit community of General Theological Seminary (GTS), stories of transformation and belonging weave through the experiences of our students. Among them is Tom Philip, a member of Cohort 2, whose journey to GTS brought him to a place that aligned with both his faith and academic aspirations. Reflecting on his decision to join GTS, Tom shares, "After exploring various seminaries and hybrid options, I attended the online open house. I was immediately drawn into the warmth of Dean Michael and the staff. And when I heard that the Rt. Rev. Dr. Rowan Williams would be teaching one of the courses, it confirmed God’s calling that GTS was for me."

Tom's experiences at GTS have shaped his sense of spiritual formation. The Chapel of the Good Shepherd, initially overwhelming, soon became a sanctuary of belonging. "When I was at the August intensive at GTS, I was intimidated at first by the Chapel of the Good Shepherd. It was overwhelming at first. But after one week, participating in the services, the Holy Eucharist, and Evensong service, it felt like home," he recalls. This sentiment of finding a home was echoed in his academic pursuits, particularly in Dr. Farwell’s introduction to liturgy class. "It was like he was speaking a very familiar language. One that I had grown up in and it further reassured me that I was home," Tom explains.

Tom's involvement as a Lay Chaplain for the Mar Thoma Church, serving in the  NY and NJ regions, underscores the practical application of his learning at GTS. His role encompasses delivering sermons, leading youth group Bible studies, and facilitating mental health seminars, among other responsibilities. Reflecting on the support and guidance he has received, Tom says, "Dr. Stace has helped push me beyond my comfort zone and utilize what I have learned in my ministry setting. My mentor team has been amazing in sharing their experiences, encouraging me in my formation and helping me to understand that I am not alone."

The support extends beyond the faculty to his cohort, where shared experiences and challenges forge a strong bond among the students. "I have learned so much from my cohort. Life happens and it is amazing to have these brothers and sisters from all over the country to be your cheerleaders and support group," Tom expresses with gratitude.

Looking toward the future, Tom envisions a path rooted in his formation at GTS. "I see myself involved in youth and young adult ministry, helping others in their own formation. Where I exactly will be, will in no doubt be attributed to what General has helped me to be," he shares with optimism.

Tom's parting advice to prospective students is heartfelt and resonant of the close-knit atmosphere at GTS: "GTS is not just a seminary, it’s a family. And I thank God that GTS has allowed me to be part of this amazing family. A family who shares with each other, who looks out for one another, and who travel together in this journey that God has called us into."

Tom Philip's story is a vivid testament to the transformative power of education and community at General Theological Seminary, where students are educated and form to lead the Church in a changing world.