From a Narrow place to Dancing - An Invitation (A Greek Dactylic Hexameter Liberation Rap)

Holton at an Interfaith March for Refugees in 2016

Here are the thoughts and reflections of one going through these challenging times, indeed buffeted by these times yet changed by them.

They are the thoughts and reflections of one formed at General, both with an MDiv in 1988 and an STM in 2013. The formation happened in the chapel, where we come with intercessions and leave with blessings, nurtured by the fellowship we find there. Indeed, it is the habit of reflection formed at General - of any kind, pastoral, spiritual, biblical, or theological - that has made the following reflection possible. 

It was tapped out on a phone on a lake in Canada, in a van on the way home and in reflections after a clergy funeral. The intended audiences were fellow progressive clergy, and a youth organization in Harlem working against violence. The Episcopal pastoral model is so strong and so portable that I have become something of a pastor there. The habits of reflection from General transfer anywhere. The prayer life of the chapel become a prayer life in the chapel of our hearts no matter where we are. In this chapel, prayers are brought to a central altar, are blessed and consecrated, and become words and blessings for others. I pray these are a blessing for my fellow General alumni.


For those with mental illness

Or a social action mind;

I offer you this ladder

   For your soul to climb


When slavery was legal

   And freedom was a crime;

Step out of line, for mental health

   Seemed like illness at the time


Now like Egypt, Hebrew "Mizraim"

   In a "narrow place" and time;

Step out of line, make Exodus

   Get freedom on your mind


Bad home, bad job, bad neighborhood

   In this wrong place, wrong time;

Step out of line, when codes are bent

   To keep your soul in line


Time to rebel and straighten up

   Reach out your arms and hands;

Step out of line, and stretch yourselves

   Get free enough to dance


Enslavement keeps us bent

   In the overseer's sight so;

Step out of line, and don't bow down

   You've got to do what's right


Though when we straighten up and risk

   A punishment so near and;

Step out of line, we hear too much

   The constant voice of fear


A Voice calls even nearer

   "Come take this hope-filled chance;

Step out of line, and seek and find

   A good, broad land to dance"


Moses was the first

   To hear the voice of his tradition, and;

Step out of line, but he, a prince

   Was not protected by position


Cast out and newly humble

   He found Jethro's home in tents;

Step out of line, and then you'll find

   The comfort of new friends


'Twas on the slopes of heaven's mount

   He saw the burning tree;

Step out of line, hear God with him

   Say, "I'm not done with thee"


"Straighten up and take a breath

   For Breathing is my Name;

Step out of line, and tell your people

   They must do the same"


He went back to Egypt

   He stood up straight to power;

Step out of line, and take a Breath

   In This most dangerous hour


Moses led his people

   With the strength of power divine;

Breathe in, breathe out God's Holy Name

   In every dangerous time


When nightfall comes upon you

   You'll feel God's fiery breath;

Breathe in, breathe out, step out of line

   And have no fear of death


When daytime comes, and heat draws near

   God's breath is cloud and shade;

Breathe in, breathe out, now you can take

   The path that God has made


You might stop and grumble

   For food and shelter that you lost;

Breathe in, breathe out, but slavery?

   It was not worth the cost


We reach at last that wide Red Sea

   But do not fear you'll drown;

Breathe in, breathe out, and walk right in

   You'll walk on solid ground


Look behind and flee again

   The anger of our nation;

Breathe in, breathe out, for you are now

   A Child of Creation


The only way is forward

   Now not water, but dry land;

Breathe in, breathe out, my family

   Let's give to each a hand


When we reach the shores of freedom

   Remember why we took the chance;

Breathe in, breathe out, don't serve yourself

   Reach out your arms and dance


With Miriam, remember

   The near escape we made;

Breathe in, breathe out, we left behind

   Their power beneath the waves


Now on the slopes of heaven's mount

   We're offered God's own Code

Breathe in, breathe out, and take the risk

  And take it on the road


We have no overseers

   Just neighbors on all sides;

Breathe in, breathe out, just bring your peace

   And be reconciled  


If the world should get too crazy

   And your soul's in need of balm;

Breathe in, breathe out, and listen for

   That chill, small voice of calm


When morning comes upon you

   Do not lie upon your bed;

Breathe in, breathe out, rise up and shout

   Sing to the Lord instead


Come, join hands and move

  Out into all Creation;

There's space to be renewed

  With life-giving connection


Our hearts and hands receive

   An invitation from the Earth;

Breathe in her breath, her breeze

   And find a deep rebirth


Our souls are stretched, our minds

    And our bodies too;

Pregnant with yourself

   Become a whole new you


Now we overflow

   From our narrow space;

Out into the world

   Lifted by God's grace


In a world coming apart at the seams

Be the thread


Thomas B. Woodward ‘63: Religious Faith and the Arts: A Personal Journey