Notes from President Markham

History meets the moment in Commencement at The General Theological Seminary. On Monday, May 20, 2024, the famous Hoffman commencement (with the extended Latin) met a fabulous group of students who are preparing to go out from GTS to serve the Church. The beauty of the occasion enhanced the significance of the occasion. Bishop Kevin Brown represented the Board of Trustees and issued the bidding prayer. The talented Buck McDaniel organized the choir. The faculty were present, eight Trustees had made the journey, and the weather was just delightful. 

It was a milestone Commencement. Among the graduates, we had our first student graduate from the hybrid Master of Divinity program. In addition, we had our first graduates from the Doctor of Ministry program. It was also a joy to recognize our alumna, the Rt. Rev. Shannon Rogers Duckworth, ’01, who received a Doctor of Divinity degree, honoris causa. Commencement is a moment when we recognize the work of an institution. The Faculty of The General Theological Seminary continue to provide space for God to form human lives for the Gospel. 

The General Theological Seminary is in an interesting place. Our program is in demand. For the incoming class of 2024, we received 100 applications and enquiries for 19 places. We are proud to make the program tuition free. We were excited to enable our students to take a class from Dr. Rowan Williams. So much is going right. We now just need our friends and alumni to support the Seminary. Granted it is not the same Seminary that many alumni remember, but there are many continuities. Our hybrid program encompasses both distance and residential learning. Distance learning enables Dr. Rowan Williams to lecture from his home in Wales; the residential periods enable students to love the Close and enjoy the rigors of attending three worship services a day in the Chapel of the Good Shepherd.

GTS is evolving into a model of how one can change in continuity with the past. There are many demands on our giving priorities. My wife and I are giving regularly to The General Theological Seminary. Please consider joining us and supporting this amazing place.

Finally, GTS will be present at General Convention. Do sign up for our dinner, and please visit our booth. We are eager to reconnect with our alumni and friends.


A note from AEC President, The Rev. Susan Wrathall (’06)


A note from AEC President, The Rev. Susan Wrathall (‘06)