A note from AEC President, The Rev. Susan Wrathall (’06)

In late May, your Alumni Executive Committee gathered both in person and on Zoom for our spring meeting. We heard encouraging news from President Ian Markham about the status of the seminary and from Dean Michael DeLashmutt about the vitality and popularity of the hybrid program operating on the Close. We were also able to meet members of Cohort 1 and hear about their experiences of formation and education for the 21st century church. Clearly, the mission of The General Theological Seminary is alive and well on Chelsea Square.

As alumni, we were able to worship with the community through a service of Evensong with the blessing of rings and crosses, Morning Prayer, Holy Eucharist, with a rousing sermon from the Bishop of Newark Preaching Prize winner, and Commencement, carried out just as Dean Hoffman prescribed. Clearly our partners at Virginia Theological Seminary are taking great care to carry on the many well-known traditions of General Seminary and I offer them my profound gratitude.

This fall, sometime in October, we will hold our Annual Alumni meeting on Zoom. All alumni will get a link to that meeting. Shortly thereafter you will receive a ballot in order to fill vacancies on the board. If you are interested in serving, please be in touch with Denise Lavetty (neeceelv@hotmail.com) during the summer.

It has become clear that the best time for alumni gatherings on the Close is when one of our cohorts is in residence. Toward that end we are looking to May 2025, the week of Commencement, to have our Alumni Gathering and Memorial Eucharist, where we will present that year’s Distinguished Alumni Award. Check the link on the alumni page of www.gts.edu for a description of the award and a nominating form and feel free to submit a deserving alumnus for consideration.

Finally, as the fiscal year draws to a close, please consider making a gift to the Annual Fund. Your support will mean so much to all those who participate in and support our excellent hybrid program at The General Theological Seminary, and all of us who for whom GTS will always have a singular place in our hearts.


Notes from President Markham