A note from AEC President, The Rev. Susan Wrathall (‘06)

In accordance with the Articles of Incorporation, Constitution, and By-Laws of 1889:

 "The objects of the Association of Alumni are to cherish a spirit of mutual interest and union among its members, to advance the cause of theological learning and evangelical truth and piety, and to promote the advantage of the General Theological Seminary."

Supporting these noble objectives are the efforts of the Alumni Executive Committee (AEC), our Alumni Provincial Representatives, and the various Committees of the AEC.

Introducing New Members of the Alumni Executive Committee

At our winter meeting, we were pleased to welcome new elected members to the AEC for a three-year term: Ron Clingenpeel ’78, Ollie Rencher ‘03, and Ryan Zavacky ’23. In addition, Sunil Chandy ‘95 has been appointed as our new Province V Representative. If you are in Province VI and are interested in serving a 3-year term as a representative to the AEC, please reach out.

We have also re-established our committee structure to better support the work we do in assisting both our alumni and the mission of GTS. The Nominations Committee, led by Denise Lavetty and Evan Fischer, is charged with identifying alumni for election and appointment to the Alumni Executive Committee. The Distinguished Alumni Award Committee, chaired by Dan Ade and Greg Larkin, is responsible for recognizing a deserving alumnus during our Alumni Days. The Alumni Days Committee, overseen by Susan Wrathall and Anita Schell, works closely with the administration to plan engaging programming for upcoming alumni gatherings. If you are interested in serving on the AEC or have nominations for the Distinguished Alumni Award, please visit the GTS website or contact Dan or Greg directly.

Next AEC Meeting and Welcome to New GTS Alumni

Please note that our next AEC meeting, scheduled for May 20, will be a hybrid event. This meeting will also provide us with the opportunity to welcome the newest alumni of GTS.


Notes from President Markham


Notes from Dean Michael