Notes from Dean Michael

Spring is coming early to the Close on Chelsea Square, and the weeping cherry between the Chapel and the West Building is just about to burst with its annual shower of pink blossoms. It’s an appropriate symbol of the new life and vitality in this new season of General’s over 200-year history of mission. Those of you who joined us for our joint reception with VTS at the annual gathering of the Episcopal Parish Network, held earlier this month in Houston, TX, may have already heard the news of the wild success of the hybrid MDiv program. In short, MDiv applications and enrollments in the M.Div program have skyrocketed over the past three years, going from 4 applications and 3 new admitted students in 2021 to successive classes of 15 in 2022 and 2023, and over 90 applications for the expected 20 spots available for 2024. In addition to this numeric growth, we are also witnessing a significant geographical expansion in the locations of our applicants. Three years ago, 80% of our MDiv students were drawn from just a 50-mile radius around the Close. Today, these 90 applications are spread widely across the country, with applicants stemming from all the domestic Provinces of the Episcopal Church!

Not only has the hybrid MDiv program contributed to a significant revitalization of the Seminary’s enrollment, but early assessment data indicates an across-the-board increase in student satisfaction and engagement across every metric. From their experiences in teaching, learning, and formation to the sense of support that they are receiving from their faculty and staff, over 95% of the students in the hybrid MDiv program who were surveyed in 2023 indicated that they were either highly satisfied or satisfied with the quality of the program, compared to an average of 75% of students in the residential program who were asked the same questions in 2019.

As some of our first students begin to graduate from this program this coming May, I am eager to see the many ways in which they will contribute to the vitality and renewal of our Church, as agents of God’s reconciling and redeeming love in Jesus Christ throughout the world.


A note from AEC President, The Rev. Susan Wrathall (‘06)


IN MEMORIAM: The Rev. Dr. Sonia Elaine Waters, ‘05