A New Call For Jeanne Person ‘00

The Rev. Canon K. Jeanne Person, Class of 2000 and Director of our Center for Christian Spirituality from 2009-2014, is the new Interim Rector at Christ & St. Stephens, New York, offering transitional leadership as the parish pursues self-study and discernment towards calling a new Rector in 2023-24.

Person had been serving as the Canon Pastor of the Episcopal Diocese of New York since 2014, assisting the Rt. Rev. Andrew ML Dietsche with his pastoral and spiritual care of clergy and their families. Before serving as Director of the Center for Christian Spirituality at General, Person had served in two New York City parishes.

Her books are Where You Go, I Shall: Gleanings from the Stories of Biblical Widows, which reveals how the stories of biblical widows intersect with the experiences of widows today, and Lifting Women’s Voices: Prayers to Change the World, a collection of prayers by Anglican women addressing global poverty.

After studies at Princeton University and the Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism, and careers as a young adult in journalism and investment banking, she pursued her vocation to the priesthood, earning advanced theological degrees from Harvard Divinity School and General.


IN MEMORIAM: Bert Draesel ’64


A New Call for John Perris ‘98