A new class for the fall

It is exciting to learn that we have a new cohort for the fall. We have sixteen students admitted for the Hybrid MDiv. Across the two cohorts, there is significant diversity. And once again it is a national program: we have students from Los Angeles, East Carolina, and Georgia. Of those to whom the Seminary made offers, very few declined our offer. We have, as it is called in the admissions trade, a high yield.

Strong admissions is a sign of health. We had a high number of people start applications; and we had a solid number of people finish application. And now of the twenty offers we made, we have sixteen acceptances. This reflects on the strength of the program.

The Rev. Dr. April Stace was responsible for the Open Houses that attracted considerable interest. The recruitment video clearly played a role. And Ms. Jamie Tan worked hard to answer individual questions and concerns. A big thank you to them both. Congratulations team GTS.

The Very Rev. Ian S. Markham, Ph.D.
Dean and President of Virginia Theological Seminary and President of The General Theological Seminary


A fabulous hybrid MDiv


Committee meetings of the Board