Committee meetings of the Board

For the May Board meeting, there have been two GTS Board committee meetings. The Institutional Advancement Committee met; it was encouraging as we learned about the continuing support among alumni. And it was the Finance Committee that met. A budget was passed which will go to the final meeting in May.

 The plenary session of the Board will focus on Strategic Planning. We have collected in counsel from alums, friends, staff, and students of GTS. These are the primary voices that need to be heard. Naturally, other constituencies will be invited into the conversation as appropriate.

 Dr. David Charlton, the Board chair of GTS, observed that it is good that when it comes to policy and decisions about GTS one cannot tell apart those Trustees that came originally from GTS and those that came originally from VTS. And this is good and healthy. In terms of governance, all Trustees are Trustees of both corporations; and all Trustees need to do their part to make the best possible decisions for each institution.

The Very Rev. Ian S. Markham, Ph.D.
The Dean and President of Virginia Theological Seminary and the President of The General Theological Seminary


A new class for the fall


Grass and events