Forma and an Apology

For readers of the President’s Commentary, I need to start by explaining that I only write the Commentary when the Seminary is open. Given yesterday was a federal holiday honoring The Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., I did not write the commentary. But I am back now and will be going forward.

The partnership with FORMA is exciting. Here at VTS, we are delighted that there will be an opportunity for specialists in Christian Education to reflect, talk, learn, and think a little about their vitally important work. We welcome FORMA to VTS. And I am hopeful that some of our GTS community will be participating in the exciting online options.

Meanwhile, please allow me to send my public apology. Over the weekend, I came down with an old-fashioned cold. The symptoms were hacking cough, runny nose, and a sore throat. Reaching for my medicine cabinet, I first checked to see if it was COVID. It was not. And then I started to take all the meds that I could to counter the symptoms of this unpleasant cold.

So, I will be remote working on Tuesday. I am not traveling to Texas on Wednesday; and I have conveyed my apologies to our alum Jeremy Bradley, whose ordination I was honored to be invited to preach at. I am hopeful to be fully functional by Thursday.

Before COVID, we lived in a world where we would struggle on. Now we have learned about remote working, I encourage a culture where you stay at home if you feel unwell. We have learned how we can work from home; and we want everyone to stay well this winter season.

The Very Rev. Ian S. Markham, Ph.D.
Dean and President of Virginia Theological Seminary and President of General Theological Seminary


Congratulations to Dr. Doug Mohrmann


Commemoration of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.