General Theological Seminary

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Introduction to Ms. Crystal Diaz

Welcome to General Theological Seminary. You press the button and the front desk buzzes you in. This is an important ministry. You meet for the first time a person from GTS. The days needing coverage are long days. So today we celebrate the work and ministry of Ms. Crystal Diaz.

Crystal Diaz (front desk coordinator) - Crystal has been with GTS for 4 years. When you press the buzzer to the 21st gate to the Close, Crystal will more than likely be the person who will buzz you in, and successfully direct you to where you need to go. Crystal enjoys interacting with all of the alums, guests and visitors that regularly come to visit the Close.

When Crystal isn’t at GTS she likes spending time with her two kids and working on her esthetician’s license. In addition to manning the front desk, Crystal schedules all of the front desk coverage with a team that includes Jackie Markowski, Zion Battle and Jane Iannacore.

The Very Rev. Ian S. Markham, Ph.D.
Dean and President of Virginia Theological Seminary and President of The General Theological Seminary