Learning about Addiction

Lifestyle matters. There is a fundamental Christian obligation to be thoughtful and informed about healthy patterns of living and behavior. A key area is the world of addiction. Understanding for ourselves the importance of the risk and appropriate treatment for addiction is important.

In particular, for the Episcopal Church, education around alcohol is especially important. We need to be a tradition that welcomes persons in recovery; and we need both VTS and GTS to encourage responsible drinking. At VTS, I do encourage a range of non-alcoholic beverages to be served in 1823 (and please it should be much more than just soda). We should have events at which no alcohol is served (such as, Deanery evenings).

I encourage everyone to take some time to learn about the nature of addiction. It is important to be aware of precisely what is involved.

The Very Rev. Ian S. Markham, Ph.D.
Dean and President of Virginia Theological Seminary and President of General Theological Seminary


No, we have not sold the gts campus


Strategic Planning 2023