Strategic Planning 2023

Happy Valentine’s Day. Today I share continuing news from the Board meetings. At VTS, back in 2020, in preparation for our historic bicentennial, we had a good strategic planning process. After lively internal debate, a PowerPoint presentation was sent to all Board and Faculty members. It set out three visions - quiet interior, expansive reach; research oriented, and ecumenical and interfaith. The same material was discussed at a Deans Table of students and with the Alumni groups. The result was our plan.

Meanwhile, GTS developed a plan around four themes back in 2019. However, the assumption was that a traditional residential program would continue. Then in May 2022, the Board of GTS ceased to recruit for its residential programs.

In both cases, the Affiliation had not happened. So the Boards of GTS and VTS have determined to modify their plans in the light of the Affiliation. In the case of VTS, this will be a light touch review. In the case of GTS, this will be a new plan. In both cases, we are looking forward to your input. As we revisit our plans, what do you think should be the focus?

The Very Rev Ian S Markham PhD
Dean and President of Virginia Theological Seminary and President of General Theological Seminary


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