General Theological Seminary

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Pastors, priests and guides retreat

As I walked up the stairs into Hoffman Hall, the music filled the stairwell. I joined the worship for the service. There was a healthy and beautiful energy in the room.

Eighty exhausted yet hopeful spiritual leaders from all over the country and every corner of the church arrived at Hoffman Refectory yesterday for the fourth Pastors, Priests and Guides retreat: The Church Cracked Open. Designed by a gifted team of ministry leaders that includes residents of the Close: Aaron and Shauna Niequist and Jonathan Merritt, and the Seminary's good friend, Stephanie Spellers, the immersive retreat is designed as a contemplative oasis for vocational discernment and renewal. Each session framed by the daily office, weaves scripture, music, silence and powerful personal testimony together to create an environment in which trust, healing, and re-imagination are possible. It is pure delight - one of the spiritual practices emphasized by the leaders - to see the campus provide gracious hospitality to this large ecumenical group of grateful ecumenical guests.t was lovely to hear worship music filling the stairwell of Hoffman Hall. May this music go out from GTS and fill the Church.

The Very Rev. Ian S. Markham, Ph.D.
The Dean and President of Virginia Theological Seminary and the President of The General Theological Seminary