General Theological Seminary

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Trecia and Jamie visiting VTS

It is lovely to welcome to the VTS campus two guests from GTS. We have Ms. Trecia O'Sullivan, who is the director of Human Resources, and Ms. Jamie Tan, who is the Assistant Dean, Academic Administration and Registrar, staying at VTS. We are grateful as they make the journey down from New York to Alexandria, VA.

As we start providing coordinated services as permitted by the Affiliation agreement between the two institutions, these meetings are important. It looks likely that Trecia will be providing HR services to the VTS campus; this is an exciting joint appointment that will enhance life on both campuses.

Joint appointments between the two campuses are not knew. We have shared the Rev. Lorenzo Lebrija, director of the Try Tank, for five years now. We are thinking carefully and thoughtfully about areas where joint work is possible. This is good and exciting.

The Very Rev. Ian S. Markham, Ph.D.
Dean and President of Virginia Theological Seminary and President of General Theological Seminary