Welcome to the Rev. Scott Cowdell

Another wonderful addition to our special guests this semester: Dean’s Scholar the Revd. Canon Scott Cowdell and his wife Lisa from Australia. Canon Scott jokingly presumes his appearance to be yet another time lord regeneration (Doctor Who reference) as part of the many Dean’s scholars who frequent VTS. I hope you will have the pleasure to welcome them as they will be with us till mid-April and certainly have plenty of insightful (with a slight humorous) perspectives to share.

Canon Scott is currently an Adjunct Research Professor in Theology at Charles Sturt University, having written 10 books, most recently René Girard and the Nonviolent God, and is Canon Theologian for the Diocese of Canberra & Goulburn, Australia. In a recent chat with Canon Scott (link to interview), he revealed his "Evangelistic heart, a Catholic imagination, and a liberal mind! “that has guided him towards a theological vocation and “finding an integration of theology with natural and human sciences.”. His newest book coming in August called Mimetic Theory and its Shadow: Girard, Milbank, and Ontological Violence continues his passion for the works of Catholic cultural theorist René Girard. Canon Scott reveals the approach of mimetic theory to help convert to a non-violent and non-dominating response to the evils of the world. I highly recommend you engage with this theme directly with Canon Scott or take advantage of our several books on Gerard at our library to continue our journey with Social Justice.

Please join me in welcoming Canon Scott and Lisa with us this winter/ spring season.

The Very Rev. Ian S. Markham, Ph.D.
Dean and President Virginia Theological Seminary and President of The General Theological Seminary


Introduction to Ekama ENI


Bishop Frank T. Griswold, III