General Theological Seminary

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A fabulous hybrid MDiv

Part of the work of the commentary is to enter into the GTS history the true record of the moment. So, today, I just want to acknowledge that the GTS Hybrid MDiv is an amazing achievement. The credit goes to the remarkable team that developed this program. So, today, I want to honor and acknowledge all those who have designed and taught on the new MDiv at General.

It takes considerable work to design a new degree program. One has to think through the learning goals, the best mode of delivery, and the precise mechanisms of interaction with the students. We know from the positive experience of the juniors that GTS managed to achieve these goals.

Granted in an ideal world, the existing team would be still offering this program. But financial realities make that impossible. But for the sake of the record, it is important to stress that the MDiv that GTS has created is powerful, effective formation. Thank you GTS Faculty.

The Very Rev. Ian S. Markham, Ph.D.
Dean and President of Virginia Theological Seminary and President of The General Theological Seminary